Miller Appraisal banner. Certified real estate appraisal services for Pitt County, Greenville NC and Eastern North Carolina

Welcome to the home page of Miller Appraisal. We are one of the leading providers of Real Estate Appraisals for the mortgage lending marketplace. We have a proven track record of reducing lenders' time, efforts and costs in managing the Appraisal process for Pitt County and surrounding Eastern North Carolina counties.

Miller Appraisal specializes in estimating the value of real property (this is the bundle of rights inherent in the ownership of real estates, as opposed to personal property) . Real property consists of land, buildings, and natural resources such as water, oil, or minerals. Estimates of value, known as appraisals, are made when property is bought, sold, assessed, taxed, condemned, insured, or mortgaged. They may also be required in divorce actions, when partnerships are dissolved, and when property is listed as a business asset.

We often employ the quantity survey method, which is the most comprehensive method of estimating building costs in which the quantity and quality of all materials and labor are estimated on a unit cost basis to arrive at a total cost estimate; it duplicates the contractor's method of developing a bid.

Miller Appraisal may give expert testimony in court. Or, we may also act as consultants. Miller Appraisal prepares a written description of the property and make an estimate of its value.

We may complete standardized checklists as we evaluate the property and the neighborhood in which it is situated.
We obtain land values from county sources and sales information about nearby properties. We also examine the income records and operating costs of income properties.

What else can we do for you?

Miller Appraisal estimates building replacement costs using building valuation manuals and our professional cost estimators. We can verify legal descriptions of property with county records, measure the dwelling and compare the measurements with the legal descriptions. We can draw land diagrams and note conditions and special features of buildings.

Miller Appraisal analyzes and evaluates the data and prepares a written report outlining methods by which the fair-market value was estimated.
We may walk around property and climb stairs in buildings. Our research, analysis, and writing are usually often done in our office as well.

                                    Miller Appraisal • 3631 Fountain Hill Dr • Grifton, NC • 28530 • PH. 252-524-4508